Are You Overboarding?

Are you over-boarding?

Is your board stuck in the doldrums? Is over-boarding the reason? 

Symptoms of over-boarding include:

•             Under commitment of time and attention

•             Lack of preparation

•             Reduced scrutiny and production of expertise, and an

•             Inability to discharge duties

Many organisations are now considering capping how many board positions their directors can hold. With the aim of stopping an excessive number of positions being held, which could result in an under-commitment of time and attention. 

It is more than reasonable to ask for board members who can allocate sufficient time to your organisation to discharge their responsibilities. 

Governance Geek assesses each board members capability across 37 skills and values. We analyse this against the board members perceived demonstration of these skills in the last 12 months. Our insight doesn’t end there, we also ask the Chair to report on how much they observed each board member demonstrating each skill and the organisation, what level of skill they need for the next 12 months. Generating a 180° review and forecasting any potential gaps. 

Ultimately giving you a birds eye view of who is capable, who is discharging their duties and how much the captain agrees with this self-reflection.

Do you know your exact coordinates or are you taking a long shot? 

Explore your board skills analysis today to find out.


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